
A tasteful rounding off of a successful feast. Southern gastronomy offers numerous culinary specialities as well as fine wines.

C. BROTTO Grappa Prosecco Cartizze 42%, 6x0,7l-Flasche


PROSECCO DOC del Veneto frizzante, 6x0,75Ltr-Flasche


Tallero PROSECCO frizzante del Veneto, 24x0,2Ltr-Flasche


Malaga-Wein 10l, GEBAS


Malaga-Wein 5l, GEBAS


Malaga-Wein 2,5l, GEBAS


A tasteful rounding off of a successful feast. In addition to numerous culinary specialities, southern gastronomy also offers fine wines. High-percentage sambuca and grappa are probably the best-known Italian digestifs from the Cesare Brotto brand and are particularly suitable after a sumptuous meal. Brotto Punch is an Italian speciality of a special kind. Intensely aromatic, it is served in the classic glasses with metal handles on cold winter days or over ice cream and fruit salad.

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