
Advertising that catches the eye. Beach flags are a popular and often used advertising medium to draw customers' attention to your offer from afar. Beach flags are available with a range of standard motifs.

Beachflag Eishörnchen, 220 cm H ; 120cm B


Beachflag Frozen Joggy, 220cm H; 120cm B


Beachflag Schoko, 220 cm H; 120cm B


Beachflag Softeis, 220 H; 120cm B


Advertising that catches the eye. Beach flags are a popular and often used advertising medium to draw customers' attention to your offer from afar. Beach flags are available with a range of standard motifs. The ice cream cone is a symbol for ice cream sales, 'Frozen Yoghurt' makes you want to eat something half-frozen and 'Hot Chocolate' attracts customers on cold days. We also offer beach flags with your own logo and design.

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