Reusable snack packaging

Final distributors of disposable plastic food packaging and of disposable beverage cups are obliged, pursuant to Section 33 (1) sentence 1 of the Packaging Act (VerpackG), from 1 January 2023 to also offer for sale the goods offered in these disposable packages in reusable packages. This also includes fast food such as chips, pizza, burgers and sandwiches.

RECICLO Mehrweg-Burgerbox / Spaghetti-Eisbox, ca.0,64l, 157x157x104mm schwarz


Mehrweg-Menübox mittel 2-geteilt blau, ca.0,77l, 157x246x61mm


Mehrweg-Menübox groß 2-geteilt grün, ca. 1,17l, 203x252x84mm


Mehrweg-Pizzabox braun, Ø358x45mm


Mehrweg-Sandwichbox schwarz, 185x75x90mm


Mehrweg-Teller tief schwarz inkl. Domdeckel, ca. 0,8-1,2l, Ø260x35mm


Final distributors of disposable plastic food packaging and of disposable beverage cups are obliged, pursuant to Section 33 (1) sentence 1 of the Packaging Act (VerpackG), from 1 January 2023 to also offer for sale the goods offered in these disposable packages in reusable packages. This also includes fast-food meals such as chips, pizza, burgers and sandwiches. The reusable snack packaging is available in several colours and can be used in a variety of ways.

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