Fruit decor

The right fruit for the sundae. What would the Amarena cup be without cherries? For fruity sundaes or to decorate desserts, you have the choice between * Amarena cherries * candied fruit and * fruit preserves.

Amarena Kirschen 20/22 Kal. GEBAS, 90% Volumen, 4x5kg


Amarena Kirschen 20/22 Kal. GEBAS, 90% Volumen, 12x1kg


Amarena Kirschen 22/24 Kal. GEBAS, 90% Volumen, 4x5kg


Amarena Kirschen 18/20 Kal. GEBAS, 90% Volumen, 4x5kg


Sultaninen "austral. Art", 12,5kg


Macedonia 5 kg, kandierte Früchte


The right fruit for the sundae. What would the Amarena cup be without cherries? For fruity sundaes or to decorate desserts, you have the choice between * Amarena cherries * candied fruit and * fruit preserves. Use the search function or the filter for a quick overview.

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