Nut pulp

For the world's best nut ice cream or culinary creations with nuts. Nut pastes (or also called nut pulp or nut pastes) usually consist of roasted nuts that are then finely ground. During the grinding process, oils are released that make the puree or paste creamy and velvety.

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Nut pulp

For the world's best nut ice cream or culinary creations with nuts. Nut pastes (or also known as nut purees or nut pastes) usually consist of roasted nuts that are then finely ground. During the grinding process, oils are released that make the pulp or paste creamy and smooth. The oil settles on the top of the paste during storage and should be stirred in just before processing or consumption.

Nut pulp not only for ice cream

The uses of nut pastes are limitless. In addition to (natural) ice cream, the various varieties can also be used as an additive for the finest cakes, macarons, pralines, desserts, spreads, muesli, salad dressings, milkshakes, pancakes and Asian dishes. This is where the ingenuity of food producers, patissiers, pastry chefs, chefs and caterers is needed.

Make the switch to 100% natural raw materials this summer. Our Pulisano Clean-Label Edition is characterised by

no artificial flavours

no preservatives

no artificial fats.

More than a dozen nut puree varieties

An unusual variety of nut pastes awaits your discovery. You will find the popular hazelnut and walnut paste, but also specialities such as pumpkin seed, macadamia, para and cashew paste as well as the allergen-free sunflower seed paste.

Are you in doubt about which to choose? We offer free and non-binding advice to ice cream parlours and the catering trade. Delivery is exclusively to specialist wholesalers, with whom we will be happy to put you in touch.

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