Reusable cups

Reusable cup printing in small runs of 500 or more offers the chance of simple advertising for your catering business. The consumer then knows directly where to return the returnable cup.

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Surprising, innovative and brand new in the GEBAS range. Since 01.01.2023, final distributors of disposable plastic food packaging and of disposable beverage cups are obliged, in accordance with § 33 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 VerpackG (Packaging Act), to also offer the goods offered for sale in these disposable packagings in reusable packagings. With our reusable system, you also enrich your offer.

Refill in the ice cream industry

Reusable is not a new concept,but until now the most important item for the ice cream industry was missing: reusable ice cream cups. GEBAS fills this gap and offers other reusable products in addition to ice cream cups under the brand name Reciclo:

Reusable cups for hot drinks, even with lids.

Reusable cutlery

Reusable containers

With your logo on request

You know us no different than that almost all products in our range can also be printed with your own logo. Our reusable products are no exception. Don't miss out on the effectiveness of 'branded' design and ask us about the possibilities.

Stay on the ball

We also regularly present what's new in the world of ice cream and gastronomy in terms of trends and products in our blog Eis-News. We talk to trendsetters on the scene, present innovative ice cream concepts or give tips on how you as a restaurateur can make your business even more successful. Find out about the latest regulations/regulations of the EU Directive 2019/904 in our reusable series.

your ice news

Keep up with the news about new trends and new products with subject Icecream, café and gastronomy.


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