
For stylish cocktails or simply as an addition to a bottle of Coke. Nothing works in the catering trade without drinking straws. Colourful or black, thick or thin, rigid or flexible - in our range you will find exactly the drinking straw you are looking for.

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For stylish cocktails or simply as an addition to a bottle of Coke. Nothing works in the catering trade without drinking straws. Colourful or black, thick or thin, rigid or flexible - in our range you will find exactly the drinking straw you are looking for. Use the search function or the filter.

News on the topic of drinking straws

Due to the current discussion about reducing plastic waste, we have increased our range of organic drinking straws. You can choose between drinking straws made of polylactide (PLA) - either uncoated or coated in paper - or uncoated paper.

As a manufacturer, retailer or restaurateur, you can print your logo on the drinking straws for special advertising impact.

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