
Medac. Protegge la qualità, rispetta l'ambiente. Medac was founded in 1960 in Salerno, southern Italy by Carlo Mendozzi. In 1977, Medac was the first to introduce polyethylene-coated paper, improving graphics and thus establishing the success of the personalised cup.

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Medac. Protegge la qualità, rispetta l'ambiente. Medac was founded in 1960 in Salerno, southern Italy by Carlo Mendozzi. In 1977, Medac was the first to introduce polyethylene-coated paper, improving graphics and thus establishing the success of the personalised cup.Today, the company is run by the founder's daughters, Francesca and Paola.

The assortment is wide range from ice cream cups, drinking cups, coffee cups, French fries cups, popcorn cups to crepe carriers, finger food cups, mug trays and much more. Biodegradable cups are also playing an increasingly important role. All cups are also produced personalized.

Medac is certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, SA 8000, FSC, OK Compost EN13432, MID (calibration line CE), PEFC (Chain of custody certification for wood and paper products)

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